My MFMR Convention Demonstration

Well, as you may know I am doing a workshop/demonstration at the Maritime Federation of Model Railroaders Convention in Amherst, N.S. this weekend. I had intended to take pictures of the dioramas I am making for this, but one thing lead to another and I don’t have pictures. Sorry.

So, in place of pictures I’ll use 1000 words for each one I intended to post, to describe what I’ve done.

Hmmm…. I guess that’s not such a good idea, eh? I’ll keep it to a few short paragraphs.

Anyway, I’ve made 4 18″ square bases of foam with plywood frame for the dioramas. I’ve painted them (foam top and rails) – three with an airbrush and one by hand to demonstrate the differences in the two methods. I’ve also applied my new favorite road and building base material (1/8″ foam). My original intention was to have each diorama in a different stage of completion. Then I realized that later in the day as I work on each one I will not have anything to demonstrate the earlier stages. So I’ve saved myself some homework and left them all at this basic starting point.

I’ll do some basic scenery during the demonstration which will include ballasting, grass and shrubs, and building placement. I’ll also have other products on the table that I’ll be able to show folks what else is available and describe how I’ve used them.

This evening I’ll pack up my scenery supplies. Since Derwin and I will be suppplying the control system for the UMG layout I’ll have to pack up my Lenz gear as well. We won’t be bringing any modules for the layout because with everything else we have to bring I don’t think I can get anything else in the car. Hopefully the G-scale stuff I’m buying from Dara will fit for the return trip.

So, Derwin and I will be in Amherst, Nova Scotia tomorrow afternoon for a fun filled weekend of meeting new friends, chatting with old friends, attending and presenting clinics, and other model railroad related activities! I promise to take lots of pictures and will post them next week.

Have a great holiday weekend! It is the Victoria Day weekend in Canada, or the May Run weekend as we call it around here. That name has a lot to do with being young, camping, and consuming way to many alcoholic beverages. (Yes Will Ayerst, that’s how we celebrate the Sovereignty over here! HA!)



Posted in General.