What did I do this weekend?

I did nothing that most people would consider directly related to model railroading (other than operating last evening that is). However, as I took advantage of the brief bit of nice weather we had over the weekend to rebuild the fence/view block around part of our patio, all I could think of was that this was getting me one step closer to starting work on my G-scale empire.

I kept looking longingly at the area in our back yard where the layout (or at least phase 1 of the layout) will be located. I had visions of what it would look like and how I could add certain features. And then, BAM! The hammer hit my thumb instead of the nail as I was rudely brought back to reality.

The fence is almost complete. A few fine evenings should finish it up. Then it will have to be stained, the deck and steps need cleaning and re-staining, and perhaps a few other odd jobs around the yard, and then I’ll be free to start the garden layout. Well, I’ll be free to start it as long as nothing else finds it’s way to my, or Kim’s, to do list.

In the meantime, I’ll be looking at the area for the layout and dreaming of what I’ll do there for a few more weeks. My thumb will heal eventually, as long as I stay away from the hammer!


Posted in General.

One Comment

  1. Bahahah… by hammer do you mean saw or was this statement made to soon. Hate to bug but it’s the only way you’ve taught me to show that I care 🙂

    Yes, this post was before the saw incident. 🙁


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