Moncton Train Show – Apr. 14, 2007

Last week I was busy getting ready for the Moncton train show so I didn’t get anything done on the layout. So, for this update I’ll post some pictures from the show.

The weather didn’t look good Friday morning, it was Friday the 13th afterall. The snow started falling early and got heavier as the morning progressed. Then the wind started picking up. We didn’t want to start out on the drive just to get there and find out the show was canceled or we couldn’t set up that day. It is a 1.5 hr. drive, on a good day, and a $50 bridge crossing, so we wanted to make sure things were going ahead. A few hasty emails confirmed the show was still a go. Fortunately the snow stopped around noon and turned into a very light rain. We were on the road by 2:00.

We arrived and started unpacking the trailer about 3:45. Jean and Ryan showed up shortly after we did, so most of the modules were there and we were able to start setting up. By 7:00 the skirting was on the layout and trains were running. We still had buildings and details to add to the modules but we could do that in the morning. Supper was waiting for us at Jean’s house. So, off we went for pizza and a layout tour at Jean’s. Jean is progressing very well on his first layout. We were all quite impressed. Great work Jean!

After supper we were off to Dave Wood’s for an operating session. I, stupidly, left my camera in the van. Damn! There would have been some very good pictures. Lots of fun! Dave’s layout is very nice and chock full of operational activity.

We got back to Ryan’s a little before midnight and hit the hay.

We arrived at the show venue about 8:00 Saturday morning. We started putting buildings, trees, and other details on the modules, and added our emergency module when we determined the last guy was not coming. We were ready just as the doors officially opened.

The day went very well, although the relatively poor weather kept some people from attending. We saw lots of old friends and met some new ones. We had a great time as usual.

I wonder how many lies are being told!
Brian and Jean survey the show as Ryan talks to Doug Whitman.

Brian and Greg talk to attendees while some other UMG members take a break (right, in the background)

One of the things we love about train shows is talking to attendees. We try to answer all questions, and if we can’t we try to find the answer. We also love to provide an opportunity for someone to try running a train. We go along with them as breakman and give them a taste of model railroad operations.

Some views of the UMG layout.

The layout at this show was an arrow shape (very different from past shows). We try to not have the shame shape we’ve used in previous shows. The main part of the layout was 40′ long and the edges of the arrow were about 20′ long each (total 80′). This layout was definitely fun to operate.

Some details on Brian’s Northern Light and Power module

We try to keep modules fresh from show to show by adding new details, but some modules are in their 5th season. We’d like to rebuild some of them to keep the layout fresh looking. So, our goal is to completely rebuild, and redesign, about 20′ of modules (Hazard Bend) for the Truro show next fall. The Northern Light and Power module is one of them.

Well, that’s all for this update. I hope to have new pictures of the Bayside and Tidewater nest week.


Posted in Layout Visits and Shows.