Ground Throws & Montain Scenery

Well, after the 1st anniversary operating session on the BS&T I vowed I would install ground throws on all my turnouts before the next op session, before I did any more scenery work. So far all the turnouts in Chappellton and Kenville have ground throws installed (about 30 turnouts). Then I hit a snag. I have no more ground throws! I might strike a deal at the Moncton show, so until then it’s scenery time!

I started at the tunnel coming from staging. The basic land forms were done a few weeks ago so all I add to do was color the earth and add details. This is what it looked like when I started. Pretty bland.

And this is what the area looked like after a few hours of work.

It’s amazing what happens to a picture when you have the white balance settings in the camera wrong. The layout lighting in these two pictures has not changed, but look at the difference with the white balance set for fluorescent (left) and auto (right).

The long grass is an idea I got from Harold Minkwitz. It is faux-fur from Wal-Mart dyed with Dye-Na-Flow fabric paint.

I’ll be getting ready for the train show in Moncton next week so I’m not sure if I’ll have an update. I will next week though with some pictures from Moncton, at least.


Posted in Operating, Scenery & Structures.